Laboratory News

•07/2024: Welcome to the four new postdocs joining our lab, each bringing their expertise in mathematics, medicine, electrical engineering and electronic information!

•06/2024: Canping passed his PhD qualifying exam! Congratulations!

•03/2024: We received a Prostate Cancer Data Science Award!

•01/2024: Honored to receive Silver Family Foundation Faculty Excellence and Innovation Award!

•10/2023: A pilot project from the Knight Quantitative Oncology Program has been awarded. Cheers!

•04/2023: Tao's machine-learning-based tool PENCIL for identifying phenotypic subpopulations from single-cell data was accepted to Nature Machine Intelligence. Congratulations!

•03/2023: Our first-year PhD student Canping Chen published his paper in Leukemia. Congratulations!

•03/2023: The paper with Dr. Alexey Danilov about CDK9 inhibition to circumvent resistance in lymphoma was accepted to Molecular Cancer. Cheers!

•12/2022: In our BME department retreat, Xiyue, a first-year PhD student, was selected for an oral presentation. Moreover, Guan won the “Best Postdoctoral Fellow Paper of the Year” award. Congratulations!

•11/2022: One of the work with Dr. Danilov was accepted to Blood Cancer Journal. Canping, a first-year PhD student, is a co-author of this paper. Cheers!

•11/2022: Very lucky to have our resubmitted R01 scored at 7%. We are grateful for the encouragement, suggestions, and comments pointing out what we missed. Thank you, "ROSHAMBO"!

•09/2022: Ya-Mei was awarded a T90 postdoc fellowship! Cheers!

•08/2022: Guan and Ya-Mei's paper about Enzalutamide induced lineage plasticity with Alumkal lab was accepted to Nature Communications! Cheers!

•08/2022: A collaborative work with Dr. Mara Sherman was accepted to Cancer Discovery! Congratulations!

•04/2022: Guan and Chaojie's first author Nature paper was highlighted by Nature Reviews Cancer and Cancer Discovery!

•03/2022: Guan and Chaojie's first author paper was published in Nature! A multidisciplinary collaboration with Moran Lab to study the novel roles of androgen receptor activity on resistance to T cell-targeted immunotherapy! CONGRATULATIONS to the Team!!

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